Smart Workshop Agenda
Introductions – 10 mins
Run through – 2 mins
Geldautomat Experience – 20 mins
Future Forecasting – 30 mins
Map Extreme Users – High-frequency members, low-frequency – 30 mins
Touchpoints Clustering – digital, physical, passive – active – proactive 20 mins
Service Blueprint Building – Explain 5 mins
Start with User Journey –
Touchpoints Placement – displaying use
(Front stage)
(Back stage)
In the Room Today With Us:
2 years in the coop
Advisor Role
Introduce new members into the cooperative and ensure that they access the services that they need
Social Media content and management
As well as collaborating to develop services for what the members are seeking and improving
Belgian – joined full time in 2017 December
Transferred from smart BE – 5 or 6 years in the smart family
Advisor & Organizational Development
Member Support – providing information to prospective and new members and that members are accessing the services easily while guiding them to what is significant for each member and as an employee of the coop
Developing tools and processes for various (with some basic IT knowledge)
**seeking IT support to join the team
Team is growing – showing the on-boarding and complexity of backstage
Employee of the eV association
Conducting a project – Touring Artists (funded by the federal government)
Visual and Performing Arts advocacy association partnerships
Working internationally and bringing creatives to and helping them to go from Germany
They are the logistical and bureaucracy navigators (doing personal consultations)
**Smart Austria
Difficult to communicate the relationship between Touring Artists and Smart programs and initiatives
+ Increasingly responsible for information responses to the cooperative and operational duties as well as info sessions (for perspective members and their clients)
**During consultation – asking how they found Smart (collecting data about where) approximately 400 per year
Hopes for our engagement together
Wants to bring design thinking into smart as the development of the services and introduction of the services of smart
Wanting to explain their services to us as SoO
** Wants the website to better communicate what the cooperative actually does and how to simplify
Smart Brussels – General Directorate of Development for Smart (15 people) he‘s in charge of International Development of the cooperative
The Archive
Pirate or Shadow Archives
Shadow Arcives Book
Art After Money – Max Haven
Starting Things Off – Geldautomat Experience
The participants from the Smart eG team were asked to identify the steps they went through from „noting they had no cash through to putting cash in their pocket.“ The aim was to uncover how each of our experiences combine to make a more complete picture of what service experiences are like than from any of us alone.
Future Forecasting
In order to ensure that the majority of our conversation was going to be grounded in current service experience we captured the touchpoints and programs that the program hoped to launch or prioritize in 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years from the point of our workshop.
Mapping Extreme Users
In order to understand where the outliers in the membership were we identified one pole (amount of time member consumes of team). Four scales were identified for exploration as indicated in the bottom left of the following image.
Starting a Service Blueprint
Unfortunately in this first experience together we were not able to go as deeply into the service blueprint as we could have hoped. Since the experience wasn’t fully mapped we were able only to capture a first attempt at uncovering the points in the service where intervention might be beneficial. See summary points below for opportunities for further exploration and optimization.
Summary Thoughts from Rashid
Many opportunities present themselves for exploration and development. It would be most desirable to be made more accessible to the cooperative to provide services. One model that could make that a sustainable practice//economic activity would be to create a group of members who are able to provide specific service design approaches for cooperative organizations across various cooperative networks.